The driving distance to patients, who are located in inaccessible areas, will be enhanced by deploying these specially modified “Buchanky”. Another indisputable advantage is the adaptation of vehicles UAZ to unfavourable climatic conditions that often prevail throughout the Russian Federation. The vehicles are fully equipped ambulances, therefore all the necessary instruments and medical materials, including an artificial respiration ventilator, a defibrillator or EKG.
“Buchanka” in this ambulance configuration is equipped with the raised roof, the additional fog lights, the warning signal device, the 2.7-litre petrol engine, the five-speed manual transmission, the air conditioning, the navigation system GLONASS and the heated space for the crew. Thanks to the acquisition of ambulances UAZ, the local automotive market, which was also supported also there to support the local automotive market, which has been struggling with the crisis for a long time.
The Ulyanovsk automaker has recently launched special versions of the Patriot, Pickup and Cargo for the Russian Ministry of Defence, for the military and other state armed forces, including vehicles for cynologist.